Sunday 3 May 2020

COVID-19 Quotes

So in these times of quarantine, virus, crysis, change I wanted to save and post some of the positive quotes I notice from around the media and friends:

From LinkeIn, Andrew Wood (26/04/2020):
TRAFFIC has gone, 
FUEL is affordable,
BILLS extended.
KIDS are at home with their FAMILIES.
PARENTS are home taking care of their CHILDREN.
Hectic SCHEDULES replaced by NAPS, REST, and RELAXATION.
The AIR seems CLEANER.
The WORLD quieter.
PEOPLE are conscious about HYGIENE and HEALTH.
MONEY doesn't make the WORLD GO ROUND anymore.
DESIGNER clothing is pointless as nobody ever really needed it.
DOCTORS AND NURSES are being praised and recognized instead of athletes and celebrities.
And WE now have TIME, finally,
to STOP and SMELL the ROSES.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Monday 17 June 2019

Five years later

Място: Лондон, Великобритания
Wow, it has been 5 years already since my last post here.
I've missed to share a lot of stories :)
Basically, it has been a great journey to: live, work, study, love, struggle, grow, speak, walk, run, serve, smile, cry, eat, fast and stay here in London, UK.
We love it here and mostly because of the people around us.
We feel safe (because most of the people around us are fair, honest and good).
We feel understood (because most of the people around us try to understand us).
We feel welcomed (because most of the people around us make us feel so).
We feel we receive enough (because most of the people value our work).
We feel people care for us (because at the hospital they don't ask us for money).
We feel happy (because most of the people around us are happy).
We feel needed (because there are people who like someone to talk with).
We feel like home.
Thank you all!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

The First Month in London, UK

Място: London, UK
        On May 12, I packed up the suitcase and left the promised land - Brazil to go back to the old continent Europe and more specific London, UK. Arrived at Heatrow, Terminal 5 early in the morning on the next day. Passed the border check with no questions whatsoever. And headed to Ealing (West London) using The Tube (the metro, subway, train, tubata).
       I was imagining to write in this post, that I already have a job and everything, but unfortunately it's not so easy...
       For the past 1 month I managed to have few interviews and learned a lot about  how to search for work. I am sure there is much more to learn. There is a lot of work here in UK and in London.
Ever since I arrived in Brazil I noticed that the level is not so higher as in Europe and here I am back after 3 years and I feel like I have slept in all these years and haven't progressed a lot. I could have learned and progressed much more in my career here, but I kind of froze it there in Brazil. Anyway, this is life, I am happy that I am here and still I am continuing going on interviews and being contacted by new job agents.
     London is very different from Brazil, but at the same time for me is like going back home. Reminds me a lot about Bulgaria, just that it's very improved version :). I missed the weather, the food, the people, the washing machine :), the croissant, the fruits :), the streets, etc....

        Here are some pics from my first days:

First day in London :)
First day in London :)
May 13 (1-st day): First thing to do - talk with moziiiii. Skype is connecting us again (just like in the beginning).

Shopska salad (provided by Igal)
Shopska salad (provided by Igal)
May 17 (4-th day): We found a bulgarian store nearby and bought the famous bulgarian white cheese (delicious)!!

Chicken Curry - Indian style - by Igal
Chicken Curry - Indian style - by Igal
June 3 (21-st day): Igal likes to cook, so he was so kind and introduced me to the typical Indian curry - Tika Masal sauce.

Monday 27 September 2010

The Prince Of Persia - The Sands Of Time

This movie just got my attention.
It's the perfect mixture of adventure, romantism, mistery, unexpected ending and nice story.

Jemma Arterton

Friday 12 February 2010

Friday 25 September 2009

Cool Game

Using the mouse move the red circle inside the white square and try to not bump into the moving rectangles.
If you endure more than 18 seconds, then you are a hero.
They say that the american pilots endure around 2 min.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Wochenende beim Strand...

Letzte Wochenende habe mich entshieden Schwartzes Meer zu besuchen.
Fast jedes Jahr habe ich unsere Meer besucht und ich wolte dieses Jahr auch.
Es war ganz kurz, nur für einen Tag, aber es war schönn.

Ich habe auch Dobrich besucht. Dass ist ein Stadt, Nordlicher von Varna.
In dieser gegent wachsen die besten Kornen des Landes.

Отново на село...

Лятото на село е като лятото на море.
Винаги е по-различно от лятото в града.
Разбира се, може на село да няма плаж и цаца, но има река, язовир и череши :)

Trip to Germany

At the end of July and the beggining of August I wen to Germany:
I was amazing. I met a lot of old friends and also I get to know new people.
It was nice to see how the other part of the world is living and to feel a little bit different.
More pictures I can find in picasa:

P.S.: Finaly I have a 8MP Nikon camera, so you better whatch out for tones of new pictures :)

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Екскурзия до Белоградчик...

Тръгнахме от София.
Минахме през Мездра и тогава Враца и спряхме в пещерата Леденика.
След това в Белоградчик разгледахме обстойно скалите.
На другия ден посетихме Магурата и се прибрахме през Петруханския проход.
повече снимки тук

Friday 10 April 2009

Шофьорска книжка в джоба ми...

Еми това е!
Най-после ми е дадоха, ама и аз все пак си е взех де.
Сега остава само да си взема некво МПС и съм "садисфайд" напълно.
Обещавам да не газя никой.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

AFRO's last week...

It has been a long time since I've published something here.
Maybe, I should explain why:
I use to have a scheduled job that i starting this web page everyday at 12:20 and this way everyday I was reminded that I should post something here.
But somehow this job was disabled and haven't pop-up for long time.
Until yesterday when I somehow remembered that I have such thing and I enabled it.

So here I am again on blogger:
With much longer hair, yep, that's me, but...
This is it's last week.
I'm planning to get rid of it on the 2-nd of March.
Many people will be happy :)
And some will be sad...this post is for all of them. Love ya!

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Monday 1 December 2008

Thursday 20 November 2008

Още обяснения...

Вчера забравих да ги копирам снимките...
Днеска също...
Но поне се появи нещо впечатляващо, което искам да споделя.
ГМАЙЛ добавиха допълнителна услуга - избор на тема (фон, рамки, цвят).
Сега всеки потребител на гмайл може да си избере тема. Изборът не е голям (30-40 различни стила), но все пак е нещо.
На мен ми хареса темата "Плаж".
Най долу има заровен плажен крем:
Нищо чудно ако скоро добавят и опция да си избереш твоя собсвета снимка за фон.